Return policy
We guarantee that at the time of shipment that your product is free from defects in materials and workmanship, and that it will meet the specific requirements detailed through the custom configurator. Due to the fact that the product is custom, we cannot accept a return. Only in case of damage during transportation we can re-do/re-send a new product. If you are unsure of how to order, please reach out to us via call / whatsapp +971 (0) 52 702 4811 or email We are happy to help you with any and all questions you may have to ensure the product you create and order is exactly what you wanted.
Refund policy
We cannot offer a refund for custom products.
If you are unsure of how to order, please reach out to us via call / whatsapp +971 (0) 52 702 4811 or email We are happy to help you with any and all questions you may have to ensure the product you create and order is exactly what you wanted.