Interior Design Quotes To Inspire & Guide

These interior design quotes from past and present are a great source of inspiration, knowledge and guidance for both trade professionals and beginners attempting interior design in their own home for the first time.

Here are some of our favorites...


"Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful" - Unknown


 "Design is not just what it looks like & feels like. Design is how it works" -Steve Jobs

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Leonardo da Vinci


“I am going to make everything around me beautiful, that will be my life.” – Elsie de Wolfe 


“No pattern should be without some sort of meaning.” – William Morris.


"Serious is a word that must be entirely avoided when it comes to decoration" -Kathryn M

"An empty room is a story waiting to happen, and you are the author." -Unknown


"Your home should reflect your soul" -Unknown


 "Luxury is when it seems flawless" -Jean-Lous Deniot


“For a house to be successful, the objects in it must communicate with one another, respond and balance one another.” – Andre Putman


Can Custom Home Decor Be Sustainable & Beautiful? YES! Here Is How.